Wednesday, 15 October 2014

ISIS, Taliban Nexus, a big threat in the region India should be alert to the danger

Anil Narendra

In a new video on Internet, an Islamic State's fundamentalist is shown beheading a British hostage, Alan Henning. This is the fourth murder by the extremist organization in recent times. Before this British journalist James Foley, American-Israeli reporter Steven Sotlof and British helper David Hans were killed the same brutal manner cruel way.
In the latest video a masked militant says: Obama, you targeted our people in Syria and bombarded them by your planes so this is the best way to continue the attack on your people.
The spokesperson of America's National Security Council, Catlin Hayden confirmed and said that there is no point of having any doubt on the credibility of this video. In spite of American led air attacks, the killing of British hostage by ISIS shows the danger posed by this extremist organization.
At the same time the expansion of this terror organization is also a matter of grave concern for several countries including India.  According to a latest report, Pakistani Taliban has extended its full support to IS.  Taliban is already associated with another terror organization Al-Qaeda.
To make its presence felt in the subcontinent the Al-Qaeda recently issued a video threatening to launch Jehad in India. The video is shown to keep up Al-Qaeda’s superiority in the subcontinent. In his Speech Al Javahri was shown allegiance with Taliban leader Mulla Umar.
But the joint appeal made by Pak Taliban and ISIS to launch Jehad in the region has created a deep crack between Pak Taliban and Afghan Taliban. It also shows the bad intention of terror groups to control the region in the aftermath of the withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan.
While America along with other countries is trying to destroy ISIS camps by bombarding in Iraq and Syria, at the same time ISIS is also expanding its wings across the world with different extremist organization to make its foothold stronger.
ISIS has already joined hands with Abu Samaf (Somalia and the Philippines), Boko Haram (Nigeria), Bangsamaro Islamic Freedom Fighter (Philippines), Jemah Islamia (Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia) Majlis Shura Al Mujahidin (Egypt and the Gaza strip) and now Pak Taliban.
Actually, the large area of Pakistan and Afghanistan is against America and people are ready to take pledge for Jehad. While it is shocking to see immense growth of ISIS in a short period, its act of violence is more horrible.
A few weeks ago the flag of ISIS was seen in Kashmir, and the latest bomb blast in Burdwan, West Bengal is also linked to Al-Qaeda. Now, it is time for India to be highly alert from the growing terror threats to the country.

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