Friday, 15 January 2016

Pak and China challenge the Sovereignty of India

Both Pakistan and China have decided to challenge the honour, prestige and sovereignty of India. Pakistan doesn’t refrain from its nefarious activities these days. Now Pakistan is preparing to give constitutional status to Gilgit-Baltistan in its occupation. Pakistan’s step may increase the problems of India since India treats this area as a part of the disputed Kashmir. Pakistan is now trying to constitutionally make Gilgit-Baltistan, an integral part of Pakistan. To do so, it has constituted a high level committee. Dialogues with the local puppet government are being flouted. Pakistan is going to include  Gilgit-Baltistan in its constitution for the first time. It may be noted that there is no mention of Gilgit-Baltistan in Pak constitution applied since 1973. Pakistan got the administrative responsibility of the area under the said Karachi Pact. Cunningly with malafide intentions Pakistan fudged the statistics by changing rules in 1974. In 2009 a 33-member council was formed. It is widely believed that Pakistan is doing all this to please its friend China which had expressed concerned regarding the ambitious 46 million dollar economic corridor passing through this strategic zone. Gilgit-Baltistan in the North is the only such strategic area which is directly connected with China. This is also the important outlet to China-Pak economic corridor that connects Gwadar port including road network, highway, railway and investment parks of Western China and Southern Pakistan. In fact India had lodged its objection to Pakistan for passing of this economic corridor running  through the POK. Presently Pakistan considers the entire POK including Gilgit-Baltistan a disputed area and it’s also not been mentioned in its constitution. Sajjad-ul-Haq, the spokesperson of Gilgit-Baltistan’s Chief Minister, Hafij-ul-Rahman, indicating that formally the POK is a semi-autonomous area and that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharief has constituted a high level committee to consider this issue. On 9th June 2015 the puppet Prime Minister of POK Chaudhery Abdul Majeed had also said that Gilgit-Baltistan is part of J&K and it needs to be treated as a province. In 1994 the Pak Supreme Court had admitted in its judgement that Gilgit-Baltistan (North Zone then) is an integral part of the State of Jammu & Kashmir. To add fuel to the fire  China has also decided to build a mega dam in the POK. A Chinese state-owned company has also confirmed that it is going to build this dam. It signals that despite the strong protest of India China is working on big projects in the POK. GCTC among the biggest state-owned hydro power companies of China has entered into an agreement to build a dam in the POK. As per Pak media reports China has signed a 30 year tariff agreement for this. India has already lodged objections on Chinese activities but China has mentioned it as pure commercial activity. It says that there was no bias on Kashmir issue while signing this project. It also said that China has an indifferent attitude over any dispute between India and Pakistan. It is clear that neither Pakistan nor China is concerned over the concerns of India. Both are marching ahead with their plans and India watches them as a mute spectator.

-        Anil Narendra


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