Saturday, 12 September 2015

Indian Islamic scholars issue Fatwa against IS

For the first time, Indian Muslims in the world have openly and publicly raised their voice against IS (Islamic State). Signing the fatwa, more than 1000 Ulemas and Muftis have declared the terrorist set up IS as un-islamic and inhuman. Ultimately, Indian Muslims are mobilizing against IS. More than one thousand Islamic scholars and Muftis have declared the actions of IS, which has become a synonym of terror as un-islamic. While sending these fatwas to the UN Secretary General, an appeal has also been made to Muftis of other countries to follow suit. Shahi Imam Syed Ahmed Bukhari of Jama Masjid, Delhi, heads of Ajmer and Nizamuddin are among the persons issuing fatwas. For the first time in the world, Muslim scholars and Muftis have simultaneously issued fatwa against IS. So far IS has indulged in instigating Muslim youth around the world and recruiting them in the name of Jehad. Innocent youth are falling prey to this call also. This joint fatwa will at least discourage the IS efforts to penetrate among the Indian youth. The fatwa says that IS actions are un-Islamic. It says that Islam strictly prohibits the killing of women, children and aged. But the terrorists of IS are performing such cruel acts every day. Defence Cyber of Mumbai Chief Abdul Rahman Anjaria had sought opinion from Muslim scholars and Muftis across the country about IS. All of them declared it non-Islamic in a single tone and issued a fatwa against it. Anjaria has forwarded the fatwa issued by 1050 Muslim scholars and Muftis to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.  Ban Ki-moon has been appealed to encourage Muslim Scholars and Ulemas to issue such fatwas so that the Muslim youths around the world may be saved from the disinformation campaign of IS. Raising the voice against the world’s most savage and cruel organisation IS by the Islamic scholars and Ulemas was the need of the hour. Though IS has included” Islamic” in its name, yet it’s itself harming Islam the most by its actions. It is surprising that often some youth are seen approaching it and it’s necessary to prevent them. Its flags were seen even in Kashmir. Some elements in Afghanistan and Pakistan also have a soft corner for such horrible intention. We wish to appreciate Indian Muslim scholars, Muftis and Ulemas that they atleast showed their courage to declare this terrorist set up un-islamic.

-        Anil Narendra

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