Monday, 25 April 2016

US Senators want to hold Saudi Arabia responsible for 9/11 attacks

Since past few days tension has been building up between the US and Saudi Arabia. In fact two American Senators, John Carnine and Charles Sumer have prepared a draft bill. The bill talks about the justice for terror effected victims against the sponsors of terrorism. It will also include prosecution of the nations supporting the terrorism by the victims of September 2011 i.e. 9/11 attack and other terrorist attacks. In the 9/11 terrorist attack on the US most of the attackers were Saudi citizens so Saudi Arabia is being held accountable. Saudi Arabia has threatened the US and the US senators not to go ahead with the proposed bill in any manner for 9/11 attacks. It has said that if the US Senator tries to confiscate the existing Saudi property in the US it will sell it before this can happen. The said property costs about 750 Billion Dollars. Obama Administration is battling to prevent this resolution from being passed in the US Congress. As per reports of New York Times, the US Congress wants to pass a bill regarding the 9/11 attacks in which Saudi Arabia is also to be held accountable and guilty for it. Saudi Arabia fears that the US might confiscate its property in that country. On the other hand the economists believe that it will not be easy for Saudi Arabia to sell the property in the US since it will also affect its economy. But it will be more profitable however to sell the property before it is confiscated. Because of this possibility relations between the US and the Saudi Arabia are very tense. Obama is busy in persuading the Senators to drop the proposed bill. Saudi Arabia is the largest oil exporter and the largest buyer of the US weapons. Obama Administration, Pentagon and the Department of Foreign Affairs have warned its senators that the passing of the bill may not only affect the diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia but it may hit the US economy also. The Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Zuber had informed about the threat to the US leaders on behalf of his country during the US visit last month. In fact after passing of this new US law, the victims of 9th September 2011 will be allowed to lodge a case against Saudi Arabia.

-         Anil Narendra

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